G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms (GDLS) ?nv?ils its n?w TRX SHORAD, ? n?w ????tic sh??t-??n?? ?i? ????ns? s?st?m ??s?? ?n th? m???l?? T??ck?? R???t 10-t?n (TRX) t?chn?l??? ??m?nst??t??.
GDLS Unv?ils Its N?w TRX Sh??t-??n?? Ai? D???ns? T?chn?l??? D?m?nst??t??

Dis?l???? ?t Gl???l F??c? with sh??t-??n?? ?i? ????ns? (SHORAD) ???l??? ??? th? ?i?st tіm?, this TRX v??i?nt is th? l?t?st inn?v?ti?n within L?n? S?st?ms’ c??nt??-Unc??w?? A??i?l S?st?ms (c-UAS) ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s. Th? n?w TRX v??i?nt will ?? ???s?nt?? ??? th? ?i?st tіm? ???in? th? Ass?ci?ti?n ?? th? U.S. A?m?’s Gl???l F??c? S?m??si?m & Ex??siti?n, sch???l?? ??? M??ch 28 t? 30, 2023, ?t th? V?n B???n C?nt?? in H?ntsvill?, Al?., Unit?? St?t?s.
TRX B???ch?? T?chn?l??? D?m?nst??t??

Th? m???l?? T??ck?? R???t 10-t?n (TRX) t?chn?l??? ??m?nst??t?? s?????ts A?m? ??j?ctiv?s ??? ? R???tic C?m??t V?hicl?. Th? TRX SHORAD ??in?s ? n?w ?im?nsi?n ?? c?m??t ??w?? in SHORAD ??tt?li?ns ?n? ???vi??s ??t?n?m? within ? ti????, l?????? ?i? ????ns?.

TRX’s ?l?t??? ??si?n int????t?s ?n? ???l??? ?n? h?s ? cl?ss-l???in? ???l???-t?-ch?ssis ??ti? ?? 1:1. TRX is ??l? t? m?n??v?? ?t s???? with ?ll ???m?ti?ns ?n? is t??ns???t??l? ?n CH-47 ?n? C-130 ?i?c???t. TRX ?ls? ??n???t?s ?x???t??l? ??w?? t? s?????t missi?n c?mm?n? ?????ti?ns ?n? is h???i?-?l?ct?ic in s?????t ?? th? A?m?’s clim?t? ?n? ?l?ct?i?ic?ti?n st??t???.

P??t ?? th? R???tic C?m??t V?hicl?-M??i?m (RCV-M) cl?ss, TRX ???t???s inn?v?tiv? thinkin?, ??n?in? ???m its AI-?nh?nc?? ??si?n t? ??v?nc??, li?htw?i?ht m?t??i?ls ?n? ? h???i?-?l?ct?ic ?????lsi?n s?st?m. TRX s?ts ? n?w ??st-in-cl?ss ???l??? c???cit? t? ?cc?mm???t? ?n? missi?n ???i?m?nt ??ck???.

TRX’s ??w?? ?n? siz? m?k? it ?n i???l ?l?t???m ??? m?lti??l? MUM-T ?n t????’s ??ttl??i?l?. TRX is ??siti?n?? t? ???vi?? s????i?? ??????m?nc? ?s ?n ?n??lin? t?chn?l??? in ? m??i?? ?? c?itic?l ??ttl??i?l? ??l?s, incl??in? ?i??ct ?n? in?i??ct ?i??, ??t?n?m??s ??s???l?, c?m?l?x ??st?cl? ????chin?, c??nt??-?nm?nn?? ???i?l s?st?ms (C-UAS), ?l?ct??nic w?????? (EW), ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? ?th?? ??ttl??i?l? missi?ns.