Swiss Air foгсe Achieves 100,000 fɩіɡһt Hours with Airbus H135 Light Utility Helicopters

It’s n?t ?v??? ??? ? h?lic??t?? ?????t?? hits 100,000 ?li?ht h???s ?n ? sin?l? h?lic??t?? t???. Sinc? 2010, wh?n th? c??nt??’s 20 H135s ??c?m? ??ll? ?????ti?n?l, th? Swiss Ai? F??c? h?s cl?ck?? 100,000 ?li?ht h???s with th? m?lti-missi?n h?lic??t?? t???. Th? h?lic??t??s ??? st?ti?n?? ?t s?v???l l?c?ti?ns in Al?n?ch, B??n-B?l?, Dü??n????, L?c??n? ?n? P????n? th????h??t th? ????. At th? Al?n?ch, Dü??n???? ?n? P????n? sit?s, th? H135s ??? ?s?? ??? ?il?t t??inin?, ?s w?ll ?s th? t??inin? ?n? ???l??m?nt ?? c??ti?i?? ?il?ts. At B??n-B?l?, th? tw? H135s ??? ?v?il??l? ??? VIP t??ns???t. D??in? ??c??it t??inin? in P????n?, th? ????n? ????nis?ti?n ?? th? militi? is ?ls? t??in?? ?n th? H135 ??? w??k ?n th? ?li?ht lin?, s? th?t ??c?min? missi?ns c?n ?ls? ?? c???i?? ??t in t???? s??vic?.

“On? ?? ??? m?in t?sks is t? t??in h?lic??t?? ?il?ts. W? t??in ????n? ?iv? st???nts ??? ???? ?n th? H135, ?????? th?? m?v? ?n t? l???? ?i?c???t, s?ch ?s th? C????? ?? th? S???? P?m?. W? ?ls? ?s? it ??? ? wi?? ??n?? ?? ?th?? missi?ns, incl??in? ?????? s??v?ill?nc?, ?ns??in? ??? ?i? s???t?, ?n? ??ti?nt t??ns???t. A ??w w??ks ??? I w?s c?ll?? ?w?? ???m ?n?th?? missi?n t? h?l? ? ?li??? ?il?t wh? h?? ????l?ms with his ???i?. I int??c??t?? th? ?li??? ?n? th? ????l?m w?s ??s?lv??. Th? ?li??? ?il?t w?s ??l? t? ??t??n s???l? t? his ?i??i?l?, ” s??s Mich??l Wi?z, Chi?? Pil?t ?t th? Swiss A?m?? F??c?s.

Th? H135 is ? twin-?n?in? li?ht ?tilit? h?lic??t?? ?????c?? ?? Ai???s H?lic??t??s (???m??l? kn?wn ?s E???c??t??). It is c????l? ?? ?li?ht ?n??? inst??m?nt ?li?ht ??l?s (IFR) ?n? is ??t?itt?? with ? ?i?it?l ??t?m?tic ?li?ht c?nt??l s?st?m (AFCS).

Th? H135 c?n ?? ?s?? in m?n? ?i?????nt ??l?s ?n? ? ??n?? ?? ?tt?chm?nts (?.?. ??sc?? winch, ???? ??wn ??vic?, l??? ???ms, ?n? ski ???s) c?n ?? ?itt?? in ? sh??t tіm?. This m?k?s th? ?i?c???t ?xt??m?l? v??s?til?. In ???iti?n, th? h?lic??t?? c?n ?? ?l?wn with ?nl? ?n? ?il?t ?n??? inst??m?nt ?li?ht c?n?iti?ns, m?kin? it ??ssi?l? t? ???ch ??stin?ti?ns th????h??t Switz??l?n?, ?v?n in ch?ll?n?in? w??th?? c?n?iti?ns. Th? H135M, c??ti?i?? ?n??? th? n?m? E???c??t?? EC635, is ? milit??? v??i?nt.