Staggering wіп: Kitron Secures a $13 Million Contract for F-35 ɩіɡһtпіпɡ II Program from Northrop Grumman

N??th??? G??mm?n C??????ti?n h?s ?w????? Kit??n ? s??-c?nt??ct ??? ?????cti?n ?? AN/ASQ-242 Int????t?? C?mm?nic?ti?ns, N?vi??ti?n, ?n? I??nti?ic?ti?n (CNI) m???l?s ??? th? F-35 Li?htnin? II-??????m. D?liv??i?s will s?c??? ? ??ckl?? int? 2025 ?n? h?v? ? t?t?l v?l?? ?? m??? th?n USD 13 milli?n. P????cti?n will t?k? ?l?c? ?t Kit??n’s ?l?nt in N??w??. Th? s??-c?nt??ct ??l?t?s t? th? L?n?-T??m S???l? A????m?nt ?nn??nc?? ?n 21 S??t?m??? 2015 ?n? 24 N?v?m??? 2016, ?n? c?v??s L?t 16 th????h L?t 17. Un??? ? m?n???ct??in? lic?ns? ?????m?nt ??tw??n Kit??n ?n? N??th??? G??mm?n, Kit??n will m?n???ct??? s??-?ss?m?li?s ??? th? F-35 J?int St?ik? Fi?ht??.

N??th??? G??mm?n’s ICNI-s?st?m ???vi??s F-35-?il?ts with m??? th?n 27 ??ll? int????t?? ?????ti?n?l ??ncti?ns. Usin? its in??st?? l???in? s??tw???-???in?? ???i? t?chn?l???, N??th??? G??mm?n’s ??si?n ?ll?ws th? sim?lt?n???s ?????ti?n ?? m?lti?l? c?itic?l ??ncti?ns whil? ????tl? ????cin? siz?, w?i?ht, ?n? ??w?? ??m?n?s ?n th? ??v?nc?? F-35 ?i?ht??. Th?s? ??ncti?ns incl??? I??nti?ic?ti?n F?i?n? ?? F?? (IFF), ??t?m?tic ?c??isiti?n ?? ?l?-t?-??ints, ?n? v??i??s v?ic? ?n? ??t? c?mm?nic?ti?ns s?ch ?s th? m?lti??ncti?n ??v?nc?? ??t? link.

N??w?? is ?n? ?? th? int??n?ti?n?l ???tn?? c??nt?i?s ???tici??tin? in th? F-35 ??????m. N??w?? is ?n ?ctiv? ?n? v?l??? ???tn?? in th? ??v?l??m?nt, ?????cti?n ?n? s?st?inm?nt ?? th? ?l???l F-35 ?l??t. Ev??? F-35 c?nt?ins c?m??n?nts m?n???ct???? ?? N??w??i?n in??st??, with N??w?? ???vi?in? k?? ?i?c???t c?m??n?nts incl??in? ?i?-t?-?i? ??l?ns, ?????? ?n? v??tic?l ?in l???in? ????s, c????n c?m??sit? ??n?ls, ?n? c?m?l?t?? ?n? c??t?? h??iz?nt?l ?n? v??tic?l t?ils. Sinc? th? ??????m’s inc??ti?n, 18 N??w??i?n c?m??ni?s h?v? s??v?? ?s Ti?? 1 F-35 s???li??s, with nin? c????nt ?n? ?ctiv? N??w??i?n s???li??s c?nt?i??tin? t? th? ??????m.

In 2008, th? ??v??nm?nt ?? N??w?? s?l?ct?? th? F-35 Li?htnin? II ?s th? ???l?c?m?nt ??? th?i? F-16 ?l??t. In 2012, N??w?? inc???s?? th?i? ??????m ?? ??c??? ???ntit? ?? ???? ?i?c???t ?n? ?t th? s?m? tіm?, ?cc?l???t?? ??liv??i?s t? ???in t??inin? ?il?ts ?n? m?int?in??s tw? ????s ???li??.

Th? F-35 ??????m ??il?s ?n th? st??n? ??l?ti?nshi? L?ckh??? M??tin h?s ?st??lish?? with N??w??i?n in??st??. In ??ct, K?n?s???? Avi?ti?n M?int?n?nc? S??vic?s w?s th? ?i?st-?v?? D???t MRO C?nt?? ??? th? F-16 ??????m in Oct???? 2019. N??w??’s F-35 ?l??t ?????t?s ??t ?? Ø?l?n? Ai? B?s?. In ???iti?n, ? Q?ick R??cti?n Al??t ??s? is ??in? st??? ?? ?t Ev?n?s Ai? B?s?.