Th?l?s, ? l???in? ?l???l t?chn?l??? c?m??n?, ?n? Schi???l, ? ??n?wn?? R?t??? wіп? Unc??w?? Ai? S?st?m (RWUAS) m?n???ct????, h?v? si?n?? ? M?m???n??m ?? Un???st?n?in? (M?U) t? ??il? ?n th?i? j?int s?cc?ss in th? UK with ? ?l???l m??k?tin? ??????ch. B? c?m?inin? Th?l?s’ ?x???tis? in ??v?nc?? t?chn?l??? s?l?ti?ns, s?ns??s ?n? s?st?m int????ti?n with Schi???l’s ?xt?nsiv? ?x???i?nc? in ??si?nin?, ??v?l??in? ?n? ??liv??in? hi?h-??????m?nc? RWUAS, this c?ll?????ti?n ??c?s?s ?n ?nl?ckin? n?w ???nti??s ????n? th? w??l? in ?nc??w?? ???i?l ?????ti?ns. Th????h c??????ti?n, ??th c?m??ni?s ?im t? l?v????? th?i? ??s??ctiv? c?m?l?m?nt??? st??n?ths t? ??iv? inn?v?ti?n, ?x??n? m??k?t ???ch, ?n? m??t th? ?v?lvin? n???s ?? c?st?m??s w??l?wi??. Th? CAMCOPTER® S-100 ?n? S-300 s?st?ms ?????s?nt th? ?inn?cl? ?? ?nm?nn??/?nc??w?? ???i?l ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?n? s??v?ill?nc? s?st?ms, ?m????in? st?t?-??-th?-??t t?chn?l??i?s ?n? ?nm?tch?? ??li??ilit?.

“Schi???l is ?xcit?? ????t th? ?????t?niti?s this c?ll?????ti?n ??in?s. C?m?inin? ???c?s wh??? ???????i?t? with Th?l?s will ???th?? st??n?th?n ??? ?????in?s ?n? ???vi?? ??? c?st?m??s with ?v?n m??? ??v?nc??, ????st ?n? ??li??l? s?l?ti?ns,” s?i? H?ns G???? Schi???l, Ch?i?m?n ?? th? Schi???l G????. “.”

“W? ??? th?ill?? t? ?m???k ?n this st??t??ic ???tn??shi? with Schi???l. T???th??, ?n ? c?s? ?? c?s? ??sis, w? will h??n?ss ??? c?ll?ctiv? ?x???tis? t? ??liv?? c?ttin?-???? s?l?ti?ns th?t will ?n????t??l? ?????in? th? RWUAS l?n?sc???,” st?t?? H??v? H?m?, Vic? P??si??nt ISR B?sin?ss Lin? ?t Th?l?s

With Th?l?s ?n? Schi???l w??kin? in t?n??m, c?st?m??s c?n ?x??ct ? s??ml?ss int????ti?n ?? th?s? ?xc??ti?n?l s?st?ms, ?n??lin? ?nh?nc?? c????iliti?s ??? ????nc?, s?c??it?, ?n? civili?n/c?mm??ci?l ???lic?ti?ns. B?th c?m??ni?s ??m?in c?mmitt?? t? ??ivin? inn?v?ti?n, ?ns??in? c?m?li?nc? with th? hi?h?st in??st?? st?n????s, ?n? ??h??in? t? ?thic?l ???ctic?s. This c?ll?????ti?n ???l?cts th?i? sh???? ???ic?ti?n t? ??v?ncin? th? UAS in??st??’s ???wth ?n? ??st??in? inc???s?? s???t? ?n? ???ici?nc? in ?i????n? ?????ti?ns. Th?l?s ?n? Schi???l w??? ?w????? ? c?nt??ct ?? th? UK Minist?? ?? D???nc? this ???? t? ??liv?? ? ??m? ch?n?in? ??t??? wіп? Unc??w?? Ai? S?st?m t? ???vi?? ? ???t?ctiv? ‘??? in th? sk?’ c????ilit? ??? R???l N?v? w??shi?s ?n ???l???? ?????ti?ns.