гeⱱoɩᴜtіoп Unleashed: ѕһoсkіпɡ Debut of the American-Made H125 Military Version by Airbus Helicopters

Ai???s H?lic??t??s is int????cing th? ?i?st U.S.-??ilt H125 milit??? c?n?ig???ti?ns, kn?wn ?s AH-125 ?n? MH-125 A??s, t? th? Ai???s ??ng? ?? milit??? h?lic??t??s. Th?s? c?m??t-c????l? ?i?c???t will ???t??? milit??iz?? ??ti?ns th?t m??t th? n???s ?? milit??? ?n? ???????lic ?lli?s ?n? ???tn??s ????n? th? w??l?. Th? AH-125 A??s will ?? c?n?ig???? ?s th? ??m?? v??i?nt ?? th? h?lic??t??, whil? th? MH-125 A??s will ?? c?n?ig???? ?s ? m?lti-??l? h?lic??t?? c????l? ?? ? wi?? ??ng? ?? ?????ti?ns. Th? n?w ?????ings c?m?l?m?nt th? ?xt?nsiv? lin? ?? milit??? h?lic??t??s ?l????? ?????c?? ?? Ai???s, incl??ing th? H125M. Gl???ll?, th? H125 ??mil? ?cc??nts ??? ?lm?st 80% ?? th? singl?-?ngin? m??k?t ?n? h?s th? high?st n?m??? ?? c??ti?i?? m??i?ic?ti?ns (s???l?m?nt?l t??? c??ti?ic?t?s) ?v?il??l?.

“MAG A???s??c? is th?ill?? t? t??m with Ai???s t? c?m?in? ??? ?ni??? ?l?t???m ?ngin???ing ?n? m??i?ic?ti?n c????iliti?s with th? w??l?-cl?ss l????? in th? singl?-?ngin? h?lic??t?? m??k?t. It’s ?n h?n?? t? w??k with Ai???s ?n? ?x??n? ??? ??ilit? t? s??v? ??? ???tn??s in th? U.S. ?n? ????n? th? w??l?,” s?i? M?tt B??tl?tt, P??si??nt ?? MAG A???s??c?.

“Th? AH-125 ?n? MH-125 A??s h?lic??t??s will ????? th? c????ilit?, ??li??ilit? ?n? ?l?xi?ilit? n????? ?? Am??ic?’s ?lli?s ?n? ???tn??s ?s th?? ??????m ?n ????? ?? ??t??? wing missi?ns, ??nging ???m light ?tt?ck t? ?is?st?? ??s??ns? ?n? ?th?? ???????lic missi?ns,” s?i? Sc?tt T?m??k, Vic? P??si??nt ?? Milit??? Lin? ?? B?sin?ss ??? Ai???s U.S. S??c? ?n? D???ns?. “Th?? ?????s?nt th? l?t?st ?v?l?ti?n ?? Ai???s’ H125 ??mil? ?? h?lic??t??s, ?n? will ?? ?????c?? in th? U.S. ?t Ai???s H?lic??t??s, Inc.’s ??cilit? in C?l?m??s, Mississi??i.”

MAG A???s??c? will ??????m th? w????ns inst?ll?ti?n ??sign, ?ngin???ing, c??ti?ic?ti?n ?n? m?n???ct??ing. Th? h?lic??t?? will ?cc?mm???t? ? wi?? ??ng? ?? w????ns s?ch ?s ? .50 c?l (12.7 mm) g?n ?n? ?ng?i??? ??ck?ts, ?n? ???cisi?n-g?i??? w????ns ?s ? g??wth ??ti?n. Th? inst?ll?ti?n ?ll?ws ??? ????s-?n ?light th???gh??t th? missi?n. With th? n?w ???iti?n ?? ? ?l?xi?l? w????ns c????ilit?, th? H125 h?lic??t?? will ??sil? ?? ??-c?n?ig???? ??tw??n m?lti?l? missi?n s?ts in l?ss th?n 30 min?t?s, ??nging ??tw??n light ?tt?ck, ?i? ?ss??lt, s???ch ?n? ??sc??, c?s??lt? ?v?c??ti?n, ?n? ?is?st?? ??s??ns?, ?s w?ll ?s ?th?? c?m??t ?n? ???????lic ?????ti?ns.

Th? H125 is th? w??l?’s t??-s?lling h?lic??t?? with ? l?ng hist??? ?? ?s? ?? U.S. l?w ?n???c?m?nt ?n? g?v??nm?nt ?g?nci?s. C????ntl?, th? H125 is th? light ?n???c?m?nt h?lic??t?? ?s?? ?? U.S. C?st?ms ?n? B????? P??t?cti?n, with m??? th?n 100 H125 ??mil? ?i?c???t in s??vic?, m?king th? U.S. g?v??nm?nt th? singl? l??g?st c?st?m?? ?n? ?????t?? ?? th? ?i?c???t. Ai???s ???vi??s ? ??ng? ?? ??li??l? ?n? v??s?til? h?lic??t??s t? th? U.S. g?v??nm?nt ?n? milit???, ?n??ling th?m t? ??????m ? wi?? v??i?t? ?? missi?ns. M??? th?n 480 UH-72A ?n? UH-72B L?k?t? h?lic??t??s h?v? ???n ??liv???? t? th? U.S. A?m? ?n? N?ti?n?l G???? sinc? th? ???g??m ??g?n in 2006. Ai???s ?ls? c?ntin??s t? s?????t th? U.S. C??st G????’s ?l??t ?? n???l? 100 MH-65 h?lic??t??s, which ?l?? ? c?itic?l ??l? in th? USCG’s h?m?l?n? s?c??it?, ???g int???icti?n ?n? li??s?ving missi?ns.